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If you are looking for general jiu-jitsu knowledge, I would highly recommend Saulo Ribeiro's Jiu-Jitsu University, or the guard series books by Joe Moreira & Ed Beneville. If DVD's are more your style, you can't go wrong with the Roy Dean series.

For the case of Gaussian basis functions we have Hartman et al. (1990) give a formal proof of this property for networks with Gaussian basis functions in which the widths of the Gaussians are treated as adjustable parameters. A more general result was obtained by Park and Sandberg (1991) who show that, with only mild restrictions on the form of the kernel functions, the universal approximation property still holds. Further generalizations of this results are given in (Park and Sandberg, 1993). 20 21 Transfer Functions 22 23 24 Multiple-Input Neuron 25 Layer of Neurons 26 Abbreviated Notation

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March 15, 2021