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70 meters high and roofed with a flattened barrel vault. There are six tall windows cut into the long sides, forming a series of pendentives between them. The Sistine Chapel was originally divided into two equal sections, a nave for the laity and a presbytery for the clergy, by a marble screen and the pattern of floor mosaics. In later years, the screen was moved to make the nave smaller and the presbytery much larger. The walls are decorated with frescoes by Renaissance masters and are divided into three horizontal levels. The wall frescoes, though often missed by visitors captivated by the ceiling, are stunning in their artistic beauty and fascinating in their meaning. The fresco cycle consists of scenes from the Old Testament on the left wall that correspond with scenes from the New Testament on the right wall. The New Testament fulfillment of Old Testement "types" is a common theme in Christian theology and church art, but in the Sistine Chapel there is another layer of meaning. Pope Sixtus IV wished the entire cycle to illustrate the legitimacy of his papal authority, running from Moses, via Christ, to Peter.

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Collect details about the museum and describe what you expect to learn or what you find interesting about its history. During your visit, you will tour the TR Inaugural Site. This historic house museum is listed as a National Historic Landmark on the National Register of Historic Places. It is also considered a federal facility by the National Parks Service. 3 Pre-visit: Watch the national evening news five days in a row OR read the front page of a major daily newspaper five days in a row. Select a topic that is currently in the news. Pick a current world event based on one of the following categories: immigration, labor reform, conservation / environmentalism, urban poverty, racial or social inequality, role of the United States in foreign affairs. Choose one of the issues and explain how it affects you and your family. 4 a, b, c, d, and e Pre-visit: Research and describe each of the following documents. Tell how you feel life in the United States might be different without each one. Then choose one document and explain how it impacts you and your family: a.

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March 13, 2021