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A watered down version of freedom spouted by psudeo patriots in American who claim to love freedom, justice and constitutional rights for all but are in fact only in favor for a select few having them. Freedom supporters hide their agenda by wrapping it up in a false sense of patriotism to cover up their lack of willingness to share it with everyone in the country. Usually cutting off others right to freedom when it prevents a privileged group from having their way with a particular politcal/social/Religious issue they want to have dictated in their personal favor. Freedom is for the everyone, while Freedumb is for the few... A guy who says offensive things and decides whether he was joking based on the reaction of people around him. Watch out, Susie! That guy is Schrödinger's Douchebag, he'll trap you in a thought-experiment without your consent! When evil rich people exploit and oppress dumb poor people and then convince them it's all for their freedom; if dumb people believe this they are said to have " freedumb. "

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Do birth parents have any rights after adoption? This generally depends on whether the adoption is an open adoption or a closed adoption. (See above for an explanation of this distinction. ) If the adoption is open, the birth parents can reach an agreement with the adoptive parents to decide whether the child will have contact with the birth parents or simply have information about who their birth parents are. In some cases, a child may even have an ongoing relationship with the birth parents, involving in-person visits and phone calls. However, the majority of states allow adoptive parents to terminate this type of relationship if it is in the best interests of the child, even if the birth parents and the adoptive parents agreed on it. If you are a birth parent, therefore, you should not rely on an agreement to preserve a certain relationship with a child. As mentioned above, birth parents do have a very short time period after the adoption is finalized to reverse their consent and reclaim the child.

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8k 4 gold badges 56 silver badges 59 bronze badges In the default settings, VS Code uses the following fonts (14 pt) in descending order: Monaco Menlo Consolas "Droid Sans Mono" "Inconsolata" "Courier New" monospace (fallback) How to verify: VS Code runs in a browser. In the first version, you could hit F12 to open the Developer Tools. Inspecting the DOM, you can find a containing several s that make up that line of code. Inspecting one of those spans, you can see that font-family is just the list above. Draex_ 2, 133 3 gold badges 20 silver badges 39 bronze badges answered Jun 2 '15 at 19:57 Sebastian Sebastian 1, 191 1 gold badge 6 silver badges 14 bronze badges The default fonts are different across Windows, Mac, and Linux. As of VSCode 1. 15. 1, the default font settings can be found in the source code: const DEFAULT_WINDOWS_FONT_FAMILY = 'Consolas, \'Courier New\', monospace'; const DEFAULT_MAC_FONT_FAMILY = 'Menlo, Monaco, \'Courier New\', monospace'; const DEFAULT_LINUX_FONT_FAMILY = '\'Droid Sans Mono\', \'Courier New\', monospace, \'Droid Sans Fallback\''; answered Aug 29 '17 at 5:49 Andy Li Andy Li 5, 435 5 gold badges 31 silver badges 44 bronze badges In VSCode if "ntFamily": "" is blank, the font size will NOT work.

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