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Commentary #1 Syllabus Section: Section 1: Microeconomics Word Count: 749 Date commentary was written: October 26, 2012 Date article was published: May 20, 2012 Rebecca Bundhun, (October 19, 2012) Cost of summer getaways hit as air ticket prices rise, The National, The cost of an airline ticket can fluctuate tremendously based on a number of factors. The goal of airlines is to maximize their capacity by having the greatest number of passengers on all trips. This may however be difficult, as airlines pricing is not only dictated by their own operating costs and profit margins required but they have to …show more content… Although prices tend to be set by supply and demand, they are also exposed to externalities. An externality occurs when the actions of consumers or producers give rise to positive or negative side effects on other people, who are not part of these actions and whose interests are not taken into consideration. A perfect example of a negative externality is the rise of jet fuel.

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Matemática Raiz quadrada é uma operação matemática particular de radiciação. Ela é o inverso da potenciação de um número elevado a 2. A raiz quadrada é a operação inversa das potências de expoente 2. Ou seja, um número X elevado ao quadrado é multiplicado por ele mesmo, gerando um resultado Y. Portanto, a raiz quadrada de Y é X. Quando o resultado da raiz é um valor inteiro, esse número é chamado de quadrado perfeito. Podemos citar como exemplos √4, √9, √36 que indicam respectivamente 2×2=4, 3×3=9, 6×6=36. Portanto suas raizes são 2, 3 e 6. Já outros como √15 e √18 não possuem quadrado exato, então o valor é dado pela aproximação de um decimal. Os resultados seriam 3, 8 e 4, 2. Sendo assim, existem dois tipos de raiz quadrada: exata e não-exata. Essa operação matemática, como é possível perceber, é um caso particular de radiciação. Além disso, não é necessário colocar o índice 2 expresso. Mas nos outros tipos de raiz, como a cúbica, é preciso escrever o índice. Calculando a raiz quadrada A definição diz que a raiz de a só pode ser b se o resultado de b elevado ao quadrado for igual a.

Trump insisted his campaign had "hundreds and hundreds" of sworn affidavits to back up these allegations. © Photo: Twitter / @justin_hart The President also recalled the discrepancy between results coming in on election night and those coming in later, thanks to large "vote dumps" in Biden's favour in Michigan, Pennsylvania and elsewhere. "And all of a sudden I went from winning by a lot to losing by a little, and in some cases it took a period of time to do it, " he said. Trump accused state judges and the media of shirking their responsibilities to hear his campaign's lawsuits and cover the fraud allegations, and attacked big tech for its alleged censorship. "The media doesn't want to talk about it. They know how fraudulent this is. It's no different than Hunter, " he said, referring to Joe Biden's son and his alleged pay-to-play corruption in Ukraine during the Obama presidency. "We don't have freedom of the press in this country. We have suppression by the press. You can't have a scandal if nobody reports about it, " Trump complained, referring to efforts by Twitter and Facebook to cover up a New York Post story about Hunter Biden's laptop allegedly proving illegal activities, and other mainstream media's lack of coverage.

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sezon 18 odc. 461: Żegnaj Laleczko Oglądaj w telewizji Data Godzina Stacja poniedziałek, 18 stycznia za 11 dni 14:00 Polsat 2 (z napisami) Opis Dalsze perypetie Ferdynanda Kiepskiego ( Andrzej Grabowski), jego żony Haliny ( Marzena Kipiel-Sztuka) oraz ich dzieci, a także sąsiadów: Mariana ( Ryszard Kotys) i Heleny ( Renata Pałys) Paździochów oraz Arnolda Boczka ( Dariusz Gnatowski). Ferdek odkryje w sobie żyłkę do interesu: najpierw założy przedszkole, a następnie zainwestuje w magiel. Niebawem jednak Kiepski odkryje, że jest podsłuchiwany. Tymczasem Paździoch opowie o swoich pierwszych erotycznych fascynacjach. W tym odcinku Waldemar podejrzewa swoją żonę Jolantę o romans. Postanawia działać. Poszukuje prywatnego detektywa, który przeprowadziłby śledztwo i dostarczył mu niezbitych dowodów potwierdzających zdradę żony. Młody Kiepski postanawia wykorzystać je w sądzie podczas rozprawy rozwodowej. Ferdek przedstawia synowi kandydatury kilku kompetentnych osób, które po niezbyt wygórowanej cenie podejmą się tego trudnego zadania.

March 13, 2021