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The Way Of Kings Book 3

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  2. Way of Kings : audiobooks
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I gave up on the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time series by Volume 5 so never got to Brandon Sanderson's concluding contributions to that series. My first books by Sanderson were those of the Mistborn Trilogy. I was totally captivated by the story and its writing. I avoided The Way of Kings because of its Audible 2 credit price but finally caved because I had lusted so long for something so good as Mistborn. I should not have delayed. The Way of Kings was well worth the price and promises to be one of the best ever series by Sanderson or any SF/Fantasy author. This is Book 1 of the Stormlight Archive. Coming in at over 45 hours on audiobook or over 1000 pages in print, for some TWoK might seem too lengthy. Personally, for me, it ended all too soon. The book was totally gripping and absorbing. I could not put it down. The writing contains wit and charm, adventure and philosophy, comedy and pathos. It's all there, a wide range of human thought and emotion. While constructed of multiple arcs, the writing is completely straight forward, accessible and easy to follow.

The way of kings book d'oreille

Way of Kings : audiobooks

The way of kings book 3 chapter 1

In a war that makes no sense, where ten armies fight separately against a single foe, he struggles to save his men and to fathom the leaders who consider them expendable. Brightlord Dalinar Kholin commands one of those other armies. Like his brother, the late king, he is fascinated by an ancient text called The Way of Kings. Troubled by over-powering visions of ancient times and the Knights Radiant, he has begun to doubt his own sanity. Across the ocean, an untried young woman named Shallan seeks to train under an eminent scholar and notorious heretic, Dalinar's niece, Jasnah. Though she genuinely loves learning, Shallan's motives are less than pure. As she plans a daring theft, her research for Jasnah hints at secrets of the Knights Radiant and the true cause of the war. The result of over ten years of planning, writing, and world-building, The Way of Kings is but the opening movement of the Stormlight Archive, a bold masterpiece in the making. Speak again the ancient oaths: Life before death.

The way of kings book 3 release date

And since both Adolin and Dalinar have Shardplates and Shardblades, it makes the fight scenes more exciting. Shallan Davar is a minor lighteye from the far away country of Jah Keved, in the beginning of the story, she is on her way to a small kingdom named Kharbranth, where the king's sister, Jasnah Kholin resides. Shallan is a quick-witted young woman who is striving to become Jasnah's ward. But unbeknownst to Jasnah, Shallan has an ulterior motive and she's very desperate to get what she wants. While Shallan is not a bad character at all (her character development from a shy and timid young woman to a witty scholar was interesting to read), her "quick-wit" sometimes annoy me so much that I wanted to just skim her chapters. At times, it was so bad that it felt like the quips you'd find on a Marvel movie, but much more frequent. Now let's get to the things this book did great. First, the worldbuilding, and I want to focus on the magic system. Like his other series, especially Mistborn, Sanderson's magic system in this book is an intricate magic system which follows his "Laws of Magic".

Speaking of the weather, the environment and particularly the atmosphere of the planet and how the geology, flora and fauna have evolved within the influence of extreme weather is integral to the storyline. The book describes and develops half a dozen interesting and well defined fictional races. Wars exist on the planet among them over the power and dominance brought by the magical weapons known as Shardblades and Shardplates. And, while war is one of the central themes of the book, descriptions of battles and war do not dominate the narrative. What came across most movingly, uniquely clear and beautifully written were the two human qualities of love and compassion. I do not think that those two attributes have ever been more deftly portrayed than it is in this book. Some of my other favorite SF/Fantasy writers including Dan Simmons and Peter F. Hamilton while brilliant in almost every other respect, fail to adequately communicate those two essential qualities of our nature. Other authors talk about it, their characters go through the motions and maybe say the words but I just do not always "feel the love" in their writings like I do in reading this book.

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March 12, 2021